Keisha Baskin-Springer

Keisha Baskin-Springer

“… whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.” Phil. 4:8

Elder Keisha Baskin-Springer, 1st lady

Keisha is the current First Lady of Third Presbyterian Church. She was ordained as a ruling elder in 2023 and appointed as a member of session. In 2010, Keisha’s passion for God and His Word led her to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies. Then in 2014, Keisha received her Master’s degree in Professional Counseling. Through her work as a licensed professional clinical counselor and board certified Christian life coach, Keisha has helped a myriad of individuals heal, grow, and experience mental wellbeing. 

Keisha has taken time off to be a stay-at-home mother so that she can better nurture, educate, and foster her toddler’s love and knowledge of God. She is mother to Elias and stepmother to Demetrius Jr. In her spare time, Keisha enjoys photography, Bible art, hiking, reading, sharing her biblical knowledge, listening to Christian music, and writing Christian books. 

Kim Springer