Watch or re-watch past messages from our Sermon Archives. Experience the Word of Faith that will challenge you, encourage you, and also equipped you for the Faith journey ahead. Featuring sermons from our Senior Pastor Demetrius Springer, Rev. Dr. Theodore “Chip” Hall, and more. Search by speaker, topic, or book in the Bible. New message added every single week.
“Spared” Dn Demetrius Springer
Spared📖 Jonah 3:10-4:11🗓 September 24th 2023Dn Demetrius Springer, Senior Pastor THiRD CHURCH LiVE How Can I Give?⛪️
“Meant For Good” Dn Demetrius Springer
Meant For Good📖 Genesis 50:15-21🗓 September 17th 2023Dn Demetrius Springer, Senior Pastor THiRD CHURCH LiVE How Can I Give?⛪️
“Nothing But Love” Dn Demetrius Springer
Nothing But Love📖 Romans 13:8-14🗓 September 10th 2023Dn Demetrius Springer, Senior Pastor THiRD CHURCH LiVE How Can I Give?⛪️
“The Genuine Article” Dn Demetrius Springer
The Genuine Article 📖 Matthew 16:13-20🗓 September 3rd 2023Dn Demetrius Springer, Senior Pastor THiRD CHURCH LiVE How Can I Give?⛪️
“Build My Church” Dn Demetrius Springer
Build My Church📖 Matthew 16:13-20🗓 August 20th 2023Dn Demetrius Springer, Senior Pastor THiRD CHURCH LiVE How Can I Give?⛪️
“Facing The Giants pt3” Dn Demetrius Springer
Facing the Giants pt3 We Cannot Do It Without Each Other📖 2 Samuel 21:15-17🗓 August 20th 2023Dn Demetrius Springer, Senior Pastor THiRD CHURCH LiVE How Can I Give?⛪️
“Facing the Giants pt2” Dn Demetrius Springer
Facing the Giants pt2 We Cannot Do It Without God📖 1 Samuel 17:45-50🗓 August 13th 2023Dn Demetrius Springer, Senior Pastor THiRD CHURCH LiVE How Can I Give?⛪️
“Facing the Giants pt1” Dn Demetrius Springer
Facing the Giants pt1 We Cannot Do It Without Faith📖 Numbers 13:25-33🗓 August 6th 2023Dn Demetrius Springer, Senior Pastor THiRD CHURCH LiVE How Can I Give?⛪️
“The Kingdom of Heaven is Like…” Dn Demetrius Springer
The Kingdom of Heaven is Like…📖 Matthew 13:31-33,44-52🗓 July 30th 2023Dn Demetrius Springer, Senior Pastor THiRD CHURCH LiVE How Can I Give?⛪️
“No Other God” Dn Demetrius Springer
No Other God📖 Isaiah 44:6-8🗓 August 13th 2023Dn Demetrius Springer, Senior Pastor THiRD CHURCH LiVE How Can I Give?⛪️
“The Sower, the Seed, & the Soil” Dn Demetrius Springer
The Sower, the Seed, & the Soil📖 Matthew 13:18-23🗓 July 16th 2023Dn Demetrius Springer, Senior Pastor THiRD CHURCH LiVE How Can I Give?⛪️
“I Need A Break” Dn Demetrius Springer
I Need A Break📖 Matthew 11:25-30🗓 July 9th 2023Dn Demetrius Springer, Senior Pastor THiRD CHURCH LiVE How Can I Give?⛪️